Bariatric surgeries
… Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery …
Diabetes surgery
Gastric Bypass is approved by the American Diabetes Association as a treatment for type 2 diabetes in obese patients.
Laparoscopy is a type of surgical procedure that allows a surgeon to access the inside of the abdomen (tummy) through very tiny incisions in the skin. In gastric bypass using laparoscopy a small pouch of the stomach is connected to a specific part of the intestine, the absorption of sugars and fats decreases. Thus, weight decreases and blood sugar drops to normal levels. Suitable for those who suffer from diabetes and eating too much sugar.
You need to stay in the hospital for one day. The patient then needs to take vitamins daily.
… Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy …
The most famous bariatric surgeries in the Arab world
The procedure is performed by laparoscopy under a general anesthetic and requires a hospital stay for only one day through very small openings in the abdomen (leaving no trace).
The endoscope and precise surgical instruments are inserted into the abdomen without opening or distorting it, and a large part of the stomach is removed more than two-thirds, thus reducing the size of the stomach.
Advantages :
The size of the stomach decreases, the feeling of hunger disappears, and the meals become small throughout the day
You can eat six small meals a day, and this increases the metabolic rate and gives it enough energy for work and daily activity
Effectively helps to lose weight (you can lose most of your excess weight within one year from the date of the procedure)
And you need to take vitamin tablets daily and weight loss stops after two years
The best chance of reaching the ideal weight is within the first year
How Much Does the Bariatric surgery Cost In Egypt ?
Cheap Bariatric Surgeries = re-used instruments
Many who suffer from obesity in Egypt find a terrible disparity in the prices of gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgeries, with the efforts of Dr. Mustafa Gamal (and his principle: Single Patient Use) Single-use surgical instruments for one patient. In spreading and educating patients about the need to search for this point because of its impact on the success and effectiveness of surgery